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My Bag 0 items - R0.00 0

About Us

How it all began,
in a nut shell

As a doting mother, all I ever wanted was a healthy and safe home for my family to thrive. I’m also mildly asthmatic and I find common household cleaning chemicals irritating.

My search for safer and better household cleaning alternatives led me to discover soapnuts. They grow on trees!!! and their shells are rich in a natural detergent, which makes them a 100% natural alternative to laundry and household cleaning products.

And so began my journey to help you create a healthier home and live a cleaner lifestyle.

Nature Soap is a local, family-run business.

+ Our household and personal care products are handmade with care using the highest quality, non-toxic ingredients we can find

+ Each of our products can be used in more than one way. There is no need to fill up cupboards with multiple products designed for a single job

+ We disclose our ingredients; we don’t keep dirty secrets!!

+ We go to great lengths to source the best non-harmful ingredients and products for your home and the planet.


Soapnuts contain a natural soap as well as vitamins A, D, E, and K. They are commonly used as a natural alternative for washing powder but they are also an effective and gentle cleanser that can be used on hair and skin.

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    1229 SE Nehalem, Portland, OR 97202
    Call: 503 230 9260